Kelsey Putnam

TicTac X Coca-Cola


An Iconic Collab


TicTac wanted to revive declining sales and lagging brand relevance by launching a first-of-its-kind collaboration with Coca-Cola. The goal was to drive awareness and trial of limited-edition Coke-flavored TicTacs with buzzworthy activations that would excite early adopter shoppers seeking what’s new and share-worthy.


We conceived the campaign to mirror a sneaker drop, framing the TicTac x Coca-Cola collaboration as a limited-edition cultural moment early adopters wouldn’t want to miss. Through hype-building branding and FOMO messaging, our concept positioned the launch as a must-try, share-worthy product. This approach turned the novelty into an exciting event, sparking sampling and sales conversion.


These are final proof of concept mockups for the client before production, we all know they’re not real real.


Ah, the graveyard where creative dreams go to die – though every killed idea gives us an insight! We shifted from spotlighting the bright green TicTac branding to embracing the power of that iconic Coca-Cola red.